>> Changelog

changelog to the site, flow-of-conciousness microblog, and other random stuff.

added secrets will not be mentioned here. no secrets are hidden here either.

last updated: 12/03/2024 10:05pm PST

December 2024
November 2024
To-Do List

> December 2024

Dec. 7 -- changelog

  • minor edits.
  • added a whole bunch more images and replaced a couple of them with compressed versions so that they would take up less storage space.
  • added a playist to my artist page, but then realized that this playlist applies to the entire page--which isn't what i want.
  • i'll have to redo this later, but at least i know what songs i want to be playing on my page at least...

Dec. 3 -- changelog

i give up lol. i think i'm gonna have to go back to using Rarebit. i'm too stupid for this. i'll just add in the other stuff that i want into the Rarebit code itself.

also, i should not be working on this website. i need to have more self-control. i have finals to study for what the hell am i doing here.

  • minor edits (like adding my neocities profile to the artist page, adding a button to the "WINNER" fake-popup etc.)
  • brought the password/audio to the front in "enterthecity"

> November 2024

Nov. 30 -- changelog

  • minor edits here and there.
  • added visitor counters to both the homepage (technically the artist page) and to the KYD gallery main page. the main site counter will only record unique visitors and display it. the KYD gallery main page will record unique visitors AND also display how many visitors are currently on the page.
  • i will have to presumably add another iframe in the future just for the counter so that it displays the counter on all pages.

  • updated artist page with banners, images, stickers etc. also added my carrd link back to the page. didn't write anything though.
  • updated the window icons with pixel art that i got from pixel/image resource pages.
  • changed the bullets from hearts to stars

Nov. 29 -- changelog

  • i fucking broke the gallery archive lol. in other news, the author's notes now supports html and multiple lines of text.
  • added a lot of art to the gallery
  • tried to make the javascript also support gifs. did not work. still trying to figure that out.
  • made the world page (WorLd).
  • nerfed the nav bar on the main site so that it can't be dragged around anymore.
  • made the window headers grayscale everything in it so that i don't have to manually change the colors of the icons/fake buttons etc.
  • customized the page not found link.
  • centering text is a lot harder than it looks.

  • sketched an idea of what i want the character info sheets to look like (the sketch is not on the website nor implemented yet).
  • doing a lot of research on how to skew a scrollbox etc.

Nov. 28 -- changelog

  • completely revamped my homepage lol. i used nonkiru's website layout template as a base and then edited the hell out of it (jk i actually have not, but it certainly felt like it since it took be a good couple of hours to do).
    In other news: the little windows are now draggable (except for the "enter the city" window), and the fake buttons are more responsive (hoverable and clickable).
  • i tried to make a reusable navigation bar before i gave up because i realized there wasn't a point in doing so. too much effort for a thing that i probably would've only reused for like 2 pages.

  • changed the chat colors to fit the new color palette.
  • added new fonts
  • added an artist page that's seperate from my carrd. there's nothing on it yet though.
  • do i need it when i already have a carrd page? no. is the desire to have a fully customized page where i can put a bunch of visual-nicknacks that i like really tempting? of course. so i'm putting a template there juuuuust in case ;))

  • added many many new features and pages. i spent the most amount of time on the kyd gallery. specifically...
    1. i completely started from scratch (bye-bye Rarebit template)
    2. made a sick navigation bar for the gallery that is also reusable bc i used iframes
    3. trying to make the navigation bar to not only 1.be mobile-friendly and 2.not shift everything else round when you hover over the links (since the font changes) was so... uuuughhhhhhh. i spent so much time on this stupid navigation bar and the "mobile" version still isn't working right (a scroll-bar shows up in the iframe when the window is made smaller, and that's not supposed to happen but i can't figure out why the iframe is being limited to such a small container).

    4. added javascript to the gallery so that instead of having to load to a new webpage for every single image, the arrow buttons instead cycle through the images
    5. the javascript also automatically adds a link to the aforementioned image in the archive (EteRniZe)
    6. added a character info page (PersoNAs). all i did was typing out the losers' names in a cool font though.
    7. linked the new gallery back to the main site (ReTurn Home)
  • updated the credits list and also made it accessible on the main site nav bar.
  • added a to-do list to the bottom of this page

Nov. 27 -- changelog

  • added a warning bc the homepage is not mobile-friendly at all
  • added many images to the "enterthecity" webpage (my goal was to make a collage and that's what i did).
  • still working on it though. it needs to be a little more surreal and a little more "zine-y".

    also, i need to figure out how to bring the password/audio div forward so that they are ontop of images rather than behind them.

  • made a credits page for all the pngs that i used on the "enterthecity" webpage.
  • also a WIP. i'm missing a couple of credits but i will add them in later

Nov. 21 -- changelog

  • started working on remaking the css for this update page

Nov. 20 -- changelog

  • added clouds and the big cell tower images to the password page and also made it so that the user can't scroll horizontally.
  • added a music player to the password page (but no music yet ahahah) and replaced the original music feat. that i originally copied and pasted from another user's page.
  • working on the collage was a good refresher on how to manipulate images. thank you w3schools by beloved.

  • changed the window/border colors on the main page.
  • edited the button
  • changed the colors of the scroll bar on the main page.

Nov. 18 -- changelog

  • added this update/changelog page and linked it to the home menu. i will have to redo this page later bc i essentially copy-and-pasted it from another neocities site, but i wanted the java integration. i don't have time to break it down though, so that's future me's problem.
  • linked my carrd page to the "Artist" link on the main page.

Nov. 17 -- changelog

  • added gallery using the Rarebit comic template.
  • added the chat to the main page and the chat rules.
  • added an explaination of what this website's purpose is.
  • messed around with a password protected page that Xobyte coded. it's very easy to understand, and his other demos are also really cool. would reccommend--even if it's just as a fun read :))
  • messed around with a music-boxeqse feature that i saw someone had on their page that i am trying to break down and understand.

Nov. 16 -- thoughts

created this site on a whim :p

or... well... that's a bit of a lie.

i've wanted to make a website with ARG elements for ages now, but i never got the chance to because of time and the fact that no website creator/hosting platform had all of the things that i wanted to make the full project work. i'd also forgotten most of my HTML/CSS knowledge years ago, and relearning the language felt like a hassle when i'm already stressed as it is.

welp. i'm totally procrastinating on my actual work by working on this website instead.

worst thing is, knowing myself, i know i'm going to be working on this project for a while and then one day wake up and lose interest in it. it's happened so any times already that i'm almost expecting it.

so... how long do you want to bet on this project this time around?

i love having ADHD /s


  • redo the css for this page and edit it to make it my own
  • add in the rest of the credits and also download some imgs so as to not hotlink
  • make gallery better
    • add a background and other collage imgs
    • make buttons prettier
    • add tables/clickable character sheets in Personas
    • embed a music playist(?)
    • make it mobile-friendly
    • fix the fucking archive (sigh)
  • add a dragable music player to the artist page (even if it's fake)
  • add a warning on the mainpage that the site uses javascript, may contain flashing lights etc.
  • add playlist and embed it into the character page
  • add comment boxes to the images AFTER i change back to Rarebt code
  • fix webcomic link code so that it doesn't open the link inside of the neocities page


  • added a credits page
  • working gallery w/ javascript
  • make gallery better
    • longer author's notes
    • add a page for World
    • added a visitor counter
    • see if i can get the Archive to categorize different kinds of art
  • customized "page not found"
  • add my carrd info and other socials back into artist.html
  • bring the password/music player to the front in "enter the city"
  • add button to "WINNER" window on the "artist" page
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